Connected Vehicle Infrastructure University Transportation Center

Intersection Management Using In-Vehicle Speed Advisory/Adaptation

Final Report


Since the initialization of research based on Vehicle Infrastructure Integration (VII) and Connected Vehicles (CVs), numerous in-vehicle technologies are being deployed that make use of wireless communications. These advanced technologies lay the foundation for the proposed research effort to test vehicle speed advisory and adaptation systems on intersection performance. The main idea of the speed advisory system is to display a suggested speed to the driver who has the choice to follow or ignore the advice. Alternatively, the speed adaptation system entails automatic control of the vehicle speed using advanced cruise control systems. Our research group has developed a simulation/optimization tool that manages intersection operations entitled iCACC. The main idea of this tool is to optimize the trajectories of vehicles approaching an intersection to prevent crashes and reduce the total intersection delay simultaneously. Simulations using this tool showed significant savings in total delay and fuel consumption when compared to traditional intersection control. Consequently, this research effort proposes a field test of the iCACC tool using the Smart Road’s CV test-bed. The research will attempt to study five different cases in the field experiments, namely: signal control with no exchanged information (base case), signal control with displayed speed advisory and green/red time countdown, flashing signal control with speed advisory, flashing signal control with speed adaptation and finally, a roundabout case study. The research findings are expected to provide researchers, automobile manufacturers and decision makers with information regarding the degree of acceptance of drivers and the potential of such systems for use in intersection control.


  • iCACC has the ability to model any type of intersection control and accepts the following inputs: approach volumes, intersection characteristics, weather conditions, vehicle specifications, and the percentage of equipped vehicles at the intersection.
  • iCACC optimizes all levels of automation, from legacy vehicles to fully autonomous vehicles. (Video may be found at:
  • The iCACC system logic was compared to conventional intersection control in terms of delay and fuel consumed on a per-vehicle basis for different traffic demand cases (16 cases); simulation results showed significant savings by using the iCACC tool compared to other conventional controls (signal, stop-sign, and/or roundabout) for the same demand level.


Bichiou Y. and Rakha H. (2017), “Real-Time Optimal Intersection Control System for Autonomous-Cooperative Vehicles,” 96th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 7-12. [Paper # 17-00202]

Hassan A. and Rakha H. (2015), “A Fully-Distributed Heuristic Algorithm for Control of Autonomous Vehicle Movements at Isolated Intersections,” International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology, vol 3(4), pp. 297-310.

Kamalanathsharma R., Rakha H., and Zohdy I. (2015), “Survey on In-vehicle Technology Use: Results and Findings,” International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology, vol 4(2), pp. 135-150.

Jahangiri, A., Rakha, H., Dingus, T. (2015). “Adopting Machine Learning Methods to Predict Red-light Running Violations,” Published within the proceedings of the IEEE 18th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, Sept. 15-18.

Elhenawy M., Elbery A., Hassan A., and Rakha H., (2015), “An Intersection Game-Theory-Based Traffic Control Algorithm in a Connected Vehicle Environment,” Published within the proceedings of the IEEE 18th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, Sept. 15-18. [Paper # 1505].

Hassan A. and Rakha H. (2015), “A Fully-Distributed Heuristic Algorithm for Control of Autonomous Vehicle Movements at Isolated Intersections,” Published within the proceedings of the 94th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 11-15, CD-ROM [Paper # 15-4157].

Zohdy I. and Rakha H. (2014), “Intersection Management via Vehicle Connectivity: The iCACC System Concept,” Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems: Technology, Planning, and Operations.

Zohdy I. and Rakha H. (2013), “Enhancing Roundabout Operations via Vehicle Connectivity,” Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2381 (2), pp. 91-100.

Zohdy, I. (2013), “Development and Testing of The iCACC Intersection Controller For Automated Vehicles,” Ph.D. Dissertation, Virginia Tech.

Kamalanathsharma R., Zohdy I., and Rakha H. (2013), “Public Perception on Increasing Use of Technology in Automobiles: Survey Findings,” Published within the proceedings of the 16th IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems – ITSC 2013, Hague, Netherlands, October 7-9 [Paper 560].

Zohdy I. and Rakha H. (2013), “Enhancing Roundabout Operations via Vehicle Connectivity,” Published within the proceedings of the 92nd Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC.


Bichiou Y. and Rakha H. (2017), “Real-Time Optimal Intersection Control System for Autonomous-Cooperative Vehicles,” 96th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 7-12. [Paper # 17-00202]

Youssef Bichiou, Hesham Rakha, Mohammed Almannaa, and Ahmed Roman (2015, November). Developing an Optimal Intersection Control System for Autonomous/Cooperative Vehicles. Presented at the 9th University Transportation Centers Spotlight Conference Automated and Connected Vehicles, National Academies of Sciences, Washington, DC.

Jahangiri, A., Rakha, H., Dingus, T. (2015). “Adopting Machine Learning Methods to Predict Red-light Running Violations,” Presented at the IEEE 18th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, Sept. 15-18.

Elhenawy M., Elbery A., Hassan A., and Rakha H., (2015), “An Intersection Game-Theory-Based Traffic Control Algorithm in a Connected Vehicle Environment,” Presented at the IEEE 18th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, Sept. 15-18. [Paper # 1505].

Hassan A. and Rakha H. (2015), “A Fully-Distributed Heuristic Algorithm for Control of Autonomous Vehicle Movements at Isolated Intersections,” Presented at the 94th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 11-15, CD-ROM [Paper # 15-4157].

Zohdy I. and Rakha H. (2014), “Intersection Management of Autonomous Vehicles using an Agent-based Passenger Priority Framework,” 21st ITS World Congress, Ann Arbor, USA, September 8-11.

Kamalanathsharma R., Zohdy I., and Rakha H. (2013), “Public Perception on Increasing Use of Technology in Automobiles: Survey Findings,” 16th IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems – ITSC 2013, Hague, Netherlands, October 7-9 [Paper 560].

Zohdy I. and Rakha H. (2013), “Enhancing Roundabout Operations via Vehicle Connectivity,” Presented at the 92nd Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC.

Project Information

Start date: 2012/9/3
End date: 2013/9/2
Status: Active
Contract/Grant Number: 0031370150000
Secondary Number: 54-6001805
Total Dollars: $150,000
Source Organization: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg
Date Added: 08/20/2012

Sponsor Organization

Research and Innovative Technology Administration
University Transportation Centers Program
Department of Transportation
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590

UTC Grant Manager

Harwood, Leslie
Phone: 540-231-9530

Performing Organization

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg
Virginia Tech Transportation Institute
3500 Transportation Research Plaza
Blacksburg, Virginia 24061

Research Investigators

Zohdy, Ismail
Rakha, Hesham


Operations and Traffic Management
Safety and Human Factors
Vehicles and Equipment
Transportation (General)

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