Connected Vehicle Infrastructure University Transportation Center

A Connected Vehicle-Enabled Virtual Dynamic Message Sign System Demonstration and Evaluation

Final Report


Dynamic Message Signs (DMSs) are widely used to deliver traveler information and have proven to be very effective for Departments of Transportation (DOTs). However, key limitations exist: (1) existing DMSs are limited in managing dynamic situations given that DMSs are only available at relatively sparsely spaced fixed locations, (2) reading DMS messages is distracting to drivers, and (3) installation and maintenance of DMSs is expensive. To address these limitations, a smartphone-based virtual DMS application was developed in the first round of Connected Vehicle/Infrastructure University Transportation Center (CVI-UTC) projects. This application uses smartphones to provide audible “reading” of the current DMS messages to drivers when they enter a geographic zone in the proximity of the fixed sign. In addition, the project used extensive driving simulator testing to prove that virtual DMSs are less distracting, and more informative, than traditional physical DMSs. Building upon this completed work, the University of Virginia Center for Transportation Studies (UVA CTS) team proposes to develop a second generation of the Virtual Dynamic Message Sign (VDMS) system that is suitable for demonstration and evaluation on the Northern Virginia Connected Vehicle Test Bed.

This system will be implemented via a software interface with the VDMS network, retrieving data at a specified interval. Additional virtual messaging is added, as needed, by an operator, prior to delivery of messages. Following this, via a distribution system, messages are delivered and converted to an audible message for delivery to drivers in the appropriate geographic region, i.e. communication ranges of a roadside equipment for the message. In addition to sending out notifications, a software program will be developed to track, update, and modify the system in real time, insuring that messages are promptly disseminated to the travelling public. The program will be implemented on the existing Northern Virginia Connected Vehicle Test Bed. Quality control, demonstration, and evaluation will be measured for effectiveness.


  • The VDMS system is intended to be used by Transportation Operations Center (TOC) operators; therefore, the operational testing of the VDMS system was conducted with actual operators at PSTOC and the results are being analyzed.
  • The goal of this operational testing is to evaluate the VDMS system as a tool to support TOC’s efforts to manage traffic. More specifically, it is to gain feedback from TOC operators on the usability, and the effectiveness of the VDMS system as an information dissemination tool to support advanced traffic management.


Green, A., Park, H., Recht, D., & Smith, B.L. (2016, January). Investigating Cost Savings Expected from Connected Vehicle-Enabled Applications: Virtual Dynamic Message Sign System Case Study. Published within the proceedings of the 95th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board. Washington, D.C.


Green, A., Park, H., Recht, D., & Smith, B.L. (2016, January). Investigating Cost Savings Expected from Connected Vehicle-Enabled Applications: Virtual Dynamic Message Sign System Case Study. Presented at the 95th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board. Washington, D.C.

Green, A., Park, H., Recht, D., & Smith, B. L. (2015, November). Quantifying the Benefits and Costs of Virtual Dynamic Message Signs Relative to Traditional Dynamic Message Signs Using a Case Study of the I-66 Connected Vehicle Testbed. Poster presented at the 9th University Transportation Center Spotlight Conference: Automated and Connected Vehicle. Organized by Transportation Research Board and Sponsored by U.S. Department of Transportation. Washington, D.C.

Sponsor Organization

Research and Innovative Technology Administration
University Transportation Centers Program
Department of Transportation
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590

UTC Grant Manager

Harwood, Leslie
Phone: 540-231-9530

Performing Organization

University of Virginia, Charlottesville
Center for Transportation Studies
P.O. Box 400742
Charlottesville, VA 22911

Research Investigators

Smith, Brian L.
Park, Hyungjun
Recht, David

More Information

Project Poster
TriD Format